Monday, June 25, 2012

Really don't feel like recapping the weekend...

But there was 1 win!!! Congrats to Jim Thome, all-time walk off home run king!!!!!!!! In fact, here is the email I sent to my aunt in Tampa after the game:

Well... I guess Papelbon was having flashbacks from last season :). You just got Thome-d (I made up that word) and you also got chooch-ed! And you realize James shields gave up a home run to a singles hitter :D

But yesterday was painful and I guess I spoke to soon. I am getting really tired of this Bullpen! I thought Antonio Bastardo was reliable but then he has those stretches and he walks a ton of people and gives up game-tying home runs to Ian Desmond (I will never forget that!)

Why do the weekends always stink? :(


1 comment:

  1. Oh... And Juan Pierre has more home runs than Cliff Lee has wins :)
