Saturday, April 18, 2015

Jimmy Rollins and Rebuilding

Welp...week 1 of baseball season (plus a little bit) has concluded. Its been a struggle trying to get back into it. I don't recognize half of the players on the Phillies (or for that matter the Nationals) . I guess injuries and rebuilding and stuff do that to a team. I'm pretty much willing to put up with anything this season in order to start the rebuilding process for this team because they so desperately need it. Honestly though, with the GM that they I wouldn't be surprised if he totally messes up the entire process. I honestly think that RAJ is my least favorite person in baseball because of the things he has done to this team in the past couple of years. I still love the Phillies though, I just miss the glory days (but don't we all). 

Speaking of the glory days, I'm not really sure what to think of the fact that Jimmy Rollins is playing on a team other than the Phillies. On one hand, I happy that he has the opportunity to play on a better team (although I have no idea how good or bad the Dodgers are, but pretty much any team would be better than the trainwreck that is the Phillies). At least he might have a shot at the playoffs this year. On the other hand, I do feel kind of betrayed. Rollins spent 13 years with the Phillies and was reaching the end of his time as a productive player. He could have vetoed any trade that Amaro tried to make and ended his career with this Phillies. It just feels like he gave up on the team, but then again, if he is going to only play a few more seasons I guess he kind of deserves to spend them on a team that has a chance of winning. I don't even know, I've always been more of an Utley girl anyway, so it doesn't bother me all that much. 

I'll be back next week some time (hopefully with some useful analysis lol)

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