Thursday, June 9, 2016


Here's the deal: I only have 1 year, 1 month and 15 days of teenagehood left. And I have been decidedly more invested in baseball this season than I was in the past two. Also, it would be a crying shame for this blog to just die (although it kind of has). So I'm going to try to keep this up again (but I won't promise anything).

Anyway, let's get caught up with what's been happening since I blogged last. The Phillies were bad, and then surprisingly good to start the season and now pretty bad again. I'd like to chalk it up to the tough competition they been facing lately (9 of their last 12 games have been against the Cubs and the Nationals, arguably the best two teams in the league), but while I don't think that the Phillies are AS bad as they have been lately, they are a .500 team at best this season and I've come to accept that. I'll hopefully do a more detailed piece later on most of the parts of this team, but I've definitely been impressed by some young players lately (here's looking at you Aaron Nola) and I am hopeful that this team will contend in the not to distant future. My personal goal is a above .500 season and playoff contention before I graduate college (I'm in college now, did I mention that?).

Also, the Nationals are continuing to make me very very jealous.  I know there's an alternate universe out there where I'm a Nationals fan, where I've just become the owner of a new Daniel Murphy jersey (because how unbelievable is he?) which joins my collection of t-shirts that includes Morse, Desmond and possibly Zimmermann (Jordan). In reality, I still really enjoy watching these Nationals play ball. So many of the key pieces that I listened to back in 2011-2012 are still with the club, and the new faces are either familiar (Revere) or good enough that they replaced my previous favorites (Murphy). This is such a fun ball club to watch and because I'm spending most of the summer with my grandparents, watch them I will. I'm totally rooting for this team to take down the Cubs and bring the trophy back to the DC area. WAH.

So, I'm back. We'll see how it goes. Cheers.


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