Tuesday, April 7, 2015

well, this is a thing...

why hello there...it's been a while (and by a while I mean entirely too long). so...um, this blog was a thing that I used to do and it's a thing I want to continue doing. However, with all of the stress and distractions of senior year I have been totally and completely out of the loop for the past several months, and by totally and completely I mean like no contact whatsoever with the baseball world. And so now my mission is to attempt the impossible and try to write an interesting, slightly intelligent blog post on something I am just now trying to wrap my head around (that being the current state of baseball). We will start with the Phillies and the Nationals and if I get around to anything great and if not there is always next time.

Welp...the Phillies lost on Opening Day again. It's honestly not that big of a deal because I don't expect much from them this year plus Cole Hamels usually has a rough start his first time out anyway. Also, the lack of offense is old news as is most of the roster (seriously, like it's been almost 10 years with most of these guys). Oh well it should be an interesting year, especially with Cliff Lee injured. Also, I'm not sure what happened to the farm system because the Phils haven't had an actually good prospect in I have no idea how long. As for a wild prediction, I'd say maybe 70 wins? Who the heck knows...

As for the Nationals, it looks like they have the rotation of any baseball fans dreams. I mean, flipping Gio Gonzalez is their FIFTH starter. Gio Gonzalez the one they traded top prospects for. I remember back in 2011 when the Phillies had this kind of rotation. What I can say to all National fans is to enjoy this while it lasts. Just look what has happened to the Phillies now. In four years, only one of the four stars they had in 2011 is still healthy and pitching. The rest have either retired or are on their way to retirement. Anyway back to the Nationals. What they need to dominate the division this year is a solid defense. Unearned runs cost them the win on Opening Day, and will prove to be extremely costly throughout the entire season unless the defense can get it together. Also, injuries are already becoming an issue. With three regulars out early, it is going to take key contributions from  both those called to fill holes and the stars still remaining to be able to match the 2011 Phillies. If this happens, the Nationals have a great chance of going all the way this year. Also, it's weird having Dan Uggla on the team.

Well, that went better than expected. Hopefully that made sense/was interesting. I think that I'm going to try to stick to a weekly update schedule, but I'm not promising anything.

Peace out.

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