Sunday, June 2, 2013


It's been more than a year since this blog has come into existence! Wow, I can't believe it! Sharing my thoughts with you guys has been so much of a blast, and I hope you all have enjoyed it as much as I did! Over the past year and a couple days, this page has had more that 850 views. That's more than two views a day!!!!!!! So a couple things that will hopefully make year number two as enjoyable as year number one!

1. I'm not sure if I will do recaps for everyday like I did last year, or more pieces on other things like specific players. Feel free to leave a comment on which you prefer.

2. I've got a couple updates in the works. Can't let you know what they are just yet...but I'm super excited to share them with y'all!

3. I'm going to tease it up  for my next big post...which will hopefully drop sometime this week.  Let's just say: It's about me :) So y'all can get to know me better!

Once again, thank you so much for reading and supporting my blog! You guys are my motivation to keep posting!


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