Monday, April 1, 2013

...So Here We Go Again!

Wow. It's hard to believe opening day is upon us already. It seems like just yesterday that Sergio Romo froze Miguel Cabrera for the last out of the World Series, but it also seems like an eternity since the Phillies lost the division crown they had worn for the past half-decade and the Nationals suffered heart-wrenching defeat at the hands of the Cardinals.

Opening day is a time to hope, a time to believe. A time for the team that many project to be the worst in baseball to leave a play-off favorite (if you can call Texas that) in the dust. A time where how many Uptons one has may not matter at all, depending how many Hamels' one has (I hope). A time where anyone can be a Cy Young or MVP contender, if just for a day.

I'm ready. I'm ready for triumph and defeat, for heartache and happiness, for the possibility of crying myself to sleep for the third straight year. I'm ready to eat, sleep and breathe baseball for the next six months. I'm ready for ordinary men to become Superman.

I may be weird because I see a realistic best case scenario where the Phillies win the world series. I may be weird because if I did detailed predictions (And I may still do them) I would have the Dodgers missing the playoffs completely. I don't care. It's baseball. Anything could happen.

It all starts today (well last night). Welcome to baseball season. Welcome to the show.

I'm so excited to be able to share my views on baseball with you for the second year! I have some ideas for improving my baseball coverage, and hope to share these with you in the next few months! Right now, school work is still really heavy for me, but I will try my hardest to post 2-3 times a week and then come June, posts will be pretty much daily!

Can't wait for to start the madness all over again!


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