Saturday, April 13, 2013

"I'll be gone in a day or two"

If you're wondering what the title quote is from, it is a lyric from a-Ha's song "Take on me", also known as the song Michael Morse walked up to when he was with the Nationals. I was listening to it last night, and noticed the lyric that I used for the title of this post.  Replace "day" with "season" and the lyric rings true in the ears of many Nationals fans. Morse was traded to the Nationals in mid-2010, but 2011 was his breakout year, almost accomplishing the rare .300, 30, 100 feat. Although he was sidelined for much of the first half of 2012, he was still a fan favorite, and one of the things I remember the most about home games while he was with the team, is all the fans singing his walk-up song, even after the music stopped. As well as being a fan favorite, Morse was also one of my favorite Nationals. Needless to say, I was heart-broken when he was traded to the Mariners in the off-season. Also, needless to say, I am now rooting for the Mariners to win a play-off spot :) In typical "Beast Mode" form, Morse has hit 6 home runs and is hitting .293, in the first week and change of the season. Sadly, he broke his pinky Thursday night, and will miss 3-7 days :( Speedy Recovery to the "Morse-ter" (my name for him), and good luck on your return :) Rest assured you are missed, and since (I think) you are a free agent after the season's end, please consider signing with the Phillies (who need another outfielder). You will always be remebered for moments like this:

And this:
And this:

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