Saturday, July 14, 2012

First Half Recap

Hey Y'all! I'm back!
So last night wasn't worth recapping (Yet Again). Now I present the first half recap!


Overall Grade: OK, This is hard. They were with out Howard and Utley for most of the season and their recent standing is mostly due is due to a nightmare (so far) July. They had a good May, a fair April and only slightly bad June. So... C.

Rotation: Cole: A. Vanimal: A-. Cliff: B-. Kyle: um.. he's a C, I guess?, Joe: Well, A until May 15, D since then so C-. Doc: He was hurt, and he awesome, B. Overall: B-.

Bullpen: Papelbon: A-. Everyone Else: Um.. I really don't want to go there! Let's just say that all starters must go 8 innings to get a win :( I don't keep track but I think that they cost us at least 8 games this year! Overall: D-.

Lineup: I really don't feel like giving all of these peeps grades but, Overall: B+, Chooch: A+++++++++!

So, it was definitely a dissapointing first half, I'm not sure much better the second half is actually going to be. I guess there's still a slim chance of them making the playoffs as the second wild card but I really am having my doubts. At this point. I'm not sure they shouldn't just trade Victorino, Polanco and possibly Hamels (Only if they can get Mike Olt from Texas).

Wow, I think that's the most pessimistic I've been in my life :) HEHE! Still LOVE this team!
Now on to the postive..


Overall Grade: A! This team has been my saving gracce because I would be seriously depressed if the Braves were winning the division! They are sooooooo much fun to listen to!

Rotation: Stras: A, Gio: A, J-Zimm: A+ (This guy reminds me of Roy Halladay, definitely a future ace!),
 E-Jax: A, Ross: B, Wang: C, Overall: Solid A.

Bullpen: A+. Boy, I am JEALOUS!

Line-up: B+. These guys play with so much ENERGY! It's crazy!!! Shout out to Lombo, Harper, Z-Man, Beast, LaRoche, Desi (My current fav... DESI LOVE!), Espi and Flores!

So, opposite of the Phillies this was an amazing half for the team in DC! I really think that they have all pieces they need, and with Jayson and Storen comin' back soon it will only get better!

Oh, and by the way...YOUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO WHITE SOX! ;) Them and the Nats in the WS would be soooooo cool!


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