Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Why hello there! I'm finally back after another multi-month break (blame senior year!), and today I will be writing...something...I guess it will be like a postseason preview but not really since the postseason already started lol. Bear with me...

Sooooooooo....anyway, postseason baseball is back and I am so excited!  I have a good feeling about these playoff teams because there really isn't one team I have anything against personally, and I have rooted for a lot of the teams in playoffs past. I honestly have not tried making any predictions because I am actually rooting for  a specific team and I think that clouds my judgment a bit...also, I was basically psychic last year and I don't feel like embarrassing myself. Let's take it series by series:

Nationals vs Giants: I guess that we should probably get this one out of the way right off the bat (no pun intended). Those who pay attention will know that although I am a Phillies fan first and foremost, when they're out of it I wholeheartedly root for the Nationals and that is not about to change! It is honestly so exciting watching a Nationals team that continues to become a force to be reckoned with and basically rolled to a division title unchallenged this year. I feel like I've been on a journey with these player since 2011 when the team almost finished .500 for the first time, and that I've watched so many of these player mature. It amazes me how much of the Nationals talent is home-grown and I am super happy that Desmond, Rendon, ZNN and others have been doing so well! So good for them, and although they are down 1-0 at the time of this post, I think that they will come back and makes this series exciting and hopefully pull out the win. Although if they don't, I won't be that mad because the Giants are actually a pretty cool team too, and while I don't have a long-term vested interest in the team, I did realize the other day that some of my all-time sentimental favorite players have found a spot on this team. Buster Posey has been one of my favorites since I started actually watching baseball and Pablo Sandoval is honestly so funny that you cant help rooting for him. It also helps that Hunter Pence, who I wanted on the Phillies as soon as he was a viable option, and Michael Morse, who might just be my personal favorite Nationals player (BEAST MODE!), play on the Giants too. So overall, I'm rooting for the Nationals, but won't be upset if the Giants win.

Dodgers vs Cardinals: And here we come to the series I care least about! I guess I'm rooting for the Cardinals here, but for no reason other than I feel like it, and they'll probably win even if I don't want them to...seriously they been in the NCLS for 3 years in a row so whatever honestly, I just don't want either of these teams in the World Series so there's that. And I hope that the series goes to game 5 so that Kershaw and Wainwright cant pitch 3 times in the NCLS . Although considering ow last night went maybe I want them to pitch as much as possible...it's funny how that played out...two aces outpitched by two rookies (in Anaheim).

Orioles vs Tigers: Here we have the team that are always contenders vs the upstart team who plays an hour away from me and had Delmon Young on their team...it's pretty obvious who I'm rooting for! I'm kidding about the Delmon Young part (you knew that right?) but it is pretty cool to see a local team doing so well! I'm picking this post up after a multiday break so the series is now over (I got to see the end live!), but I'm so glad that the Orioles let the Tigers know who's boss because I'm sick of the Tigers!

Royals vs Angels: Well, this series is over and went exactly like I wanted it to! I don't have much to say about it but I'm so excited about an Orioles vs Royals ALCS and one of those teams in the WS!

So that was just about the most random thing but its something! I'll try to post before the World Series (but I'm not promising anything...)


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