Monday, August 12, 2013


You know it perfectly sums up the Phillies second half to say that a team who has been struggling as much as they have, the Nationals, pretty easily swept them. Let's just say that the 2013 season has been a going down hill like a snowball for the Phillies. At this point, I can say that pretty much all I'm looking forward to is the prospect of getting a high draft pick this next year. It hurts to say it, but this team really needs to rebuild.

As for the Nationals, their prospects aren't looking much brighter. I hate to say it's over, but it's practically impossible to erase a 14.5 game lead at this point in the season. A Wild Card is still a possibility though, if the Nationals use the sweep of the Phillies as a springboard to an extended winning streak.

So, I'm stuck...It's getting to be almost playoff time and I  have no idea which team I want to root for. I will probably end up rooting for the Rays or the Red Sox, but I would really like to have a NL to root for as well. Maybe the Pirates (BTW, they have to win 12 more games to break the losing season streak)...

This whole thing is incredibly depressing...


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