Friday, August 16, 2013


Okay, it's rant time!

By now, most of you have probably heard the news that Charlie Manuel was fired as manager of the Phillies, less than month from completing what would have undoubtedly been his last season with the team anyway. This is a move that completely confused and quite frankly, really bothered me. This is the guy who lead this team to one of only two world series titles they can call theirs, not to say anything about the five consecutive division titles  from 2007-2011. You'd think the front office could think of a more respectful way to part ways with the man who lead one of the greatest Phillies teams of all time than dumping him mid-season. I don't care if they want Ryne Sandberg to get experience with the players (which he is getting being the third base coach, DUH!), this is a total disgrace to Charlie. Don't get me wrong, I've had my moments of frustration with Charlie, but I respect him enough to quietly let him so his own way at the end of the season.
This is the last straw for Rueben Amaro, at least in my book. I have been fed up with him for a while now, and I have had enough. Signing players like Ryan Howard to contract extensions multiple years before their previous contracts ended and making bone-headed moves like adding Delmon Young is bad enough, but totally disgracing the man who lead your team to the WORLD SERIES! loses all of my respect. Guys, it's not Charlie's fault that he has to play the Youngs and other player like them, it's the fault of the guy who put them on the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amaro needs to go, ASAP!

That's enough of a rant for now :)

Charlie, know your are respected and your presence will be missed! Thanks for a great run!


Monday, August 12, 2013


You know it perfectly sums up the Phillies second half to say that a team who has been struggling as much as they have, the Nationals, pretty easily swept them. Let's just say that the 2013 season has been a going down hill like a snowball for the Phillies. At this point, I can say that pretty much all I'm looking forward to is the prospect of getting a high draft pick this next year. It hurts to say it, but this team really needs to rebuild.

As for the Nationals, their prospects aren't looking much brighter. I hate to say it's over, but it's practically impossible to erase a 14.5 game lead at this point in the season. A Wild Card is still a possibility though, if the Nationals use the sweep of the Phillies as a springboard to an extended winning streak.

So, I'm stuck...It's getting to be almost playoff time and I  have no idea which team I want to root for. I will probably end up rooting for the Rays or the Red Sox, but I would really like to have a NL to root for as well. Maybe the Pirates (BTW, they have to win 12 more games to break the losing season streak)...

This whole thing is incredibly depressing...


Monday, August 5, 2013

That post about Biogenesis

MLB is supposed to drop their decisions on the Biogenesis scandal later today.  Sources tell us that the punishment for most players will be a suspension for the rest of the year. A-Rod is the outlier, with his suspension reportedly being for all of this season and next season. As far as we know, their are about 10 players total that will be suspended. I'm ready to get this whole mess over with, but if players appeal suspensions, this may drag into next season. Personally. I can't stand the appeals process. If MLB has enough evidence to suspend you, they should be able to keep you off the field for as long as they see fit. All players are, after all, employees of MLB.
One thing that I'm glad that MLB is going to do is not re-suspend Melky Cabrera, Big Fat Bartolo Colon, and Yasmani Grandall. Since they connected their earlier suspensions to Biogenesis, there is no reason to punish them twice for the same offence.
And that's pretty much all!