Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Highlight Reel


It's been forever since I've posted anything really meaningful here! Sooooooo much has happened I really can't recap it all, so here are my highlights!

1. Cole Hamels Megadeal!!!!!!!! When this happened, I remeber being glad that all the crazy trade speculation was over (Well, not all over)! I am happy with this, Cole has really been our only ace this season and we need him to contend going forward!

2. Trade Deadline :| You know, I'm really dealing with this "No Shane or Hunter" thing pretty well. Neither if them were exactly superstars this year, so I gues I'm moving on and that's that! I'm glad we don't play LA or San Fran again this year or I may not be able to deal with it! I was actually kinda excited that Nate Schierholtz was coming over. I guess I was expecting relievers or prospects, and I actually got an everyday player I can root for! Oh, and he won the first game he played in! Which brings we to...

3. SHOWDOWN!!!!! This was the first time since I started blogging that my two favorite teams have faced off and I should probably let you  know that these are the only 18 games a year that I am really rooting against the Nationals! Philly girl at heart :) These games usually get me really annoyed because (a) my family are very much Nationals fans, (b) I have to listen to the Nationals broadcast and (c) the Phillies can't seem to beat the Nationals! So, as you can guess I was absolutely delighted by the Phillies taking two out of three! First series win against the Nationals since last May!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) J-Roll really carried the team! The only loss was a shutout, but it was started by Ross Detwiler (I REALLY like him!)

So I guess those were the top three! But the Nationals were the first to 70 wins last night and The Beast himself is really hot right now, so GO NATS! Doc was amazing last night as well, so good job Doc! I think we are finally seeing the Roy Halladay we are used to!



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