Friday, August 24, 2012

Not Fun!

Michael Morse left the game after his first at-bat after being hit by a pitch on the hand! Just hope everything is OK with Mike and he'll be back tomorrow or Sunday (Actually, maybe not until Monday!)

Showdown Part 2 (And The Rays)

Quick Recap: Phillies spilt the series with the Reds, Nats win series from Braves, good games all around!

So now that brings us to act two of this head-to-head showdown between my two favorite teams (At least while I've been running this blog!) So... now I'm conflicted. I always root for the Phillies, but if the Nats lose the division lead can shrink. I guess I wouldn't be super super angry with a Nats sweep, I would probably  be ecsatic if the Phillies sweep! (Again, all this is pending results of the Braves-Giants series in San Fran)

Elsewhere in baseball:

The Big East: About 6 weeks ago, the consensus in baseball was that the Yankees would run away with this division. Even I grudingly conceded them the division title and started thinking about the Wild Card chances for the Rays. Once I really got back into the swing of baseball after my vacation, I realized that this race wasn't over. I'm so psyched that the Rays are now only 2.5 games back!!!!!!!! They probably feel that they can conquer anything after being about 10 out at this point last year! Anyway, Longoria is huge for this team and as long as he reamins healthy I think the Rays have really good shot at at least a Wild Card and even a chance at the division (And if they win, HA YANKEES!) GO RAYS!!!!!!



Monday, August 20, 2012

The Week in Review


Good series victory! Great pitching by Cole and Kyle, enough offense (Though sometimes just barely) to win! Not much else to say but on Wednesday the bullpen showed its real self again! :P


Nice series for the Nats! Scoring more than a dozen runs is always real cool, especially when 8 come against the NL ERA leader :) I guess you were making sure that Jordan could still lead the league even after his mini meltdown Tuesday!


I guess Thursday is the first time the bullpen and only the bullpen has cost us a game in a while! Oh, and maybe Vanimal shouldn't be pitching with the bone chips or whateve is in his elbow! And then more great pitching from Cole and Kyle!!!! Wow, whatever Charlie said to Kyle is most certainly working!


These guys were literally one mistake away from a sweep! Whatever, they still picked up a game on the Braves!



Sunday, August 12, 2012

What to do about Lee?

Last night seemed like many other nights this year, Cliff Lee lost a tight game for the Phillies. This makes me think what his place is with next year's team. Some may say he has no place on the team at all! I guess there are two options, trade him or keep him.
I'm pretty sure the Phillies will probably keep him, and that's probably what I would do in their place. After all, he is Cliff Lee and he will probably be better than most replacements they may have. If they trade him, they have to replace him!

Anyway, that's what was on my mind!


Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Highlight Reel


It's been forever since I've posted anything really meaningful here! Sooooooo much has happened I really can't recap it all, so here are my highlights!

1. Cole Hamels Megadeal!!!!!!!! When this happened, I remeber being glad that all the crazy trade speculation was over (Well, not all over)! I am happy with this, Cole has really been our only ace this season and we need him to contend going forward!

2. Trade Deadline :| You know, I'm really dealing with this "No Shane or Hunter" thing pretty well. Neither if them were exactly superstars this year, so I gues I'm moving on and that's that! I'm glad we don't play LA or San Fran again this year or I may not be able to deal with it! I was actually kinda excited that Nate Schierholtz was coming over. I guess I was expecting relievers or prospects, and I actually got an everyday player I can root for! Oh, and he won the first game he played in! Which brings we to...

3. SHOWDOWN!!!!! This was the first time since I started blogging that my two favorite teams have faced off and I should probably let you  know that these are the only 18 games a year that I am really rooting against the Nationals! Philly girl at heart :) These games usually get me really annoyed because (a) my family are very much Nationals fans, (b) I have to listen to the Nationals broadcast and (c) the Phillies can't seem to beat the Nationals! So, as you can guess I was absolutely delighted by the Phillies taking two out of three! First series win against the Nationals since last May!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) J-Roll really carried the team! The only loss was a shutout, but it was started by Ross Detwiler (I REALLY like him!)

So I guess those were the top three! But the Nationals were the first to 70 wins last night and The Beast himself is really hot right now, so GO NATS! Doc was amazing last night as well, so good job Doc! I think we are finally seeing the Roy Halladay we are used to!



Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I'm Back!

Hi Y'all,
 I am back from vacation, but I am doing an all-day science camp/internship that goes until Thursday so I most likely won't post until then!