Saturday, October 6, 2012


I can't believe this crazy, frustrating, intense, exhilarating, heart-breaking, jubilant, and overall (to pick just one word) INCREDIBLE season has come to an end! Well, not everything ends here (for 10 teams, this is the best part of the season). There is only one thing I can say: IGNITE YOUR POSTSEASON NATITUDE PEEPS!

So, the format of this article will be using the adjectives I used above to recap random moments of the season, Let's get this started!

... Is the playoff teams! From the expected (Yankees), to the expected teams who got in in unexpected ways (Detroit, Texas), slightly unexpected (Reds, Giants), not-so-expected (Nationals), and completely out of the blue (A's, Orioles), I absolutley can't wait for these teams to play in October!!!!!

... Is the Phillies bullpen! Really, was there any doubt that this was the most frustrating! These guys drove me absolutley crazy during the first half, and right now the guys I would rely on would probably be Papelbon and Horst and nobody else!

... Is the perfect way to describe the only 19-year-old in the big leagues! I mean, who else plays the game with as much intensity as Bryce Harper!

... Is the many walk-offs by the Nationals and Phillies this year! There were so many great one that i cannot pick just one!

... Is the last 5 days for the Texas Rangers. Coming into the finals series two games up, they just needed one win to clinch the division. So, in perfect choke form, they lost all three games, slipped to a wild card spot, and then proceeded to lose the play-in game to the Orioles. Dreams of a third consecutive worldseries appearance were shattered. I know how that feels, I went through it last year!

... Is the Oakland A's! They were on the opposite side of the Texas debacle and boy, let me tell you I was lovin' it! I really like underdog teams and was so happy when they won Wednesday to clinch the division!

So, there you have it! Hope y'all have enjoyed this as much as I did and havr fun watching October baseball!


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