Thursday, May 31, 2012

Daily Recap: My Hero! :)

The Phillies won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Nationals lost.

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Who is my hero you say? Well, since I just started this blog you might not know. One word: CHOOOOOCH! Love him! The return of Carlos Ruiz tonight was a good as planned, even though he was not in the starting line-up. When I checked my iPod and the Phillies were losing 3-1, at first I thought, "Oh darn!", then I saw the situation. Runner on second, two outs, nothing big to be hopeful for. Then I saw the batter: Chooch. A glitter of hope! I check back five minutes later and the game is tied and I went crazy. Chooch is now officially my hero. If he wasn't before, which he kinda was!
Jimmy Rollins had a good night tonight, but he's still hitting only .239. The final score was 10-6, that's good. Raul Valdes finally gave up runs, but pitched so many innings before his ERA is only 3.00. That's pretty much all that happened.
Nationals didn't do much again, besides get swept by the red-hot Marlins (who play in Philly this weekend, UGH!) Roger Bernadina and Danny Espinosa were all over the scoring report, the only other one involved was Adam LaRoche.
If you look in the dictionary under ON FIRE, PURE POWER and probably a few other things, you'll probably see this picture:
                                            This is Giancarlo Stanton. He may not be human :)
All I can say is I hope Kyle Kendrick intentionally walks him every AB and then Cole Hamels cools him down.
As today is an off day for both teams, I have more time to work on somting other than daily recaps. I think I'll explore something I like to call the Glavis Dilemma. You'll see what I mean.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Follow the link to vote for Carlos Ruiz today!

made with iMovie


Daily Recap: Oh No Joe!

The Phillies lost.
The Nationals lost.

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Oh Joe!!!!! What happened to you?!?!? Where is the Joe Blanton we saw until mid-May? Did you kidnap your 88-pitch shutout throwing identical twin and where did you stuff him in a closet? Can he come out for the pennant race?
So Joe Banton comes out of the gate and gives up 2 runs in the first inning and I'm like, "Oh great! Here we go again." Now he has given up 19 runs in his past 13 2/3 innings since starting the season 4-2 with a 2.81 ERA.
Carlos Ruiz was not in the starting line-up again today and his replacement, Brian Schneider homered. Schneider has been pretty good offensively this season but its not Chooch, so I hope everything is okay with Chooch and hopefully he'll be back in the line-up tomorrow. Nothing much happened offensively besides that 3 runs were scored by the Phillies and the Mets pitcher hit a home-run.

Another night, Another triple :) Is there any thing Bryce Harper can't do? His three-bagger (which would have been a home run in almost any other ball park) and Corey Brown's suicide squeeze for his first big league RBI were the highlights in an otherwise un-exciting game. Edwin Jackson was solid, but got only one run of support because the Nationals cannot, and I repeat CANNOT!, seem to win a game started by Anibal Sanchez. Today Chein-Ming Wang makes his first start of the season for the Nats, who still lead the NL east by 1 and 1/2 games.


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Longest 6-8 weeks of My LIFE!

UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why did this have to happen! :(  I'm SOOOOO Mad!

Now that I've gotten that out of my system, let me explain. All day I've been anxiously awaiting the results of Roy Halladay's doctor visit after exiting his start on Sunday after two innings with shoulder soreness.  Turns out that I could have waited all day, all week, all month, or preferably, all season! Halladay, commonly known as Doc, has strained his right lat muscle and will miss 6-8 weeks.

Naturally, I was devastated by this news! Doc has been my favorite player since I started following the Phillies last season. I wear a Halladay shirt the day of his starts and I had become slightly depressed with the decline in performance this season. At least I now know the reason for the sudden slump, he has been pitching through pain all season.

You know what's strange, Mike Morse is recovering from a lat injury as well! Two of my favorite players taken down by lats! Morse was shut down for six weeks after his injury and I think that the Phils should be patient with Doc and do the same. They need a healthy Doc for a pennant race.

Well that's all I can say about that. Anyway, Get Well Soon Doc! All of your phans still think your the best!




This blog is about the Phillies and the Nationals (but mostly the Phillies!) I mostly will be posting daily recaps and things that have been on my mind. Starting with tomorrow, I will try to post at least daily.

~ The Teenaged Baseball Chick (TBC)