Wednesday, October 2, 2013

To Doc

Dear Roy Halladay,

If this truly is the end of your career in the Phillies pinstripes, know that you will be sorely missed by all Phillies fans. Even though it didn't end well, we will always hold on to the memories of your 4 seasons in Philadelphia. The perfect game, the postseason no-hitter, the Cy Young Award, and the 20-win season all have a special place in our hearts. For myself personally, the first time I saw you pitch was the 2010 NLCS and you stole my heart with you tenacity and ability to keep your team in the game even when the chances were slim. I can't imagine a whole season with out your leadership and grit. I noticed that whenever you went on the DL, the team went on to an extended slump. People say that intangibles don't play a factor in winning games, but I know that we have an exception with you.  I literally don't even want to think about the possibility of you wearing another uniform next year. You are such an inspiration to me and the rest of the Phillies fandom. Um...I know that I had more to say but I can't put it into words. If you decide to call it a career, just know that I consider you a sure-fire Hall of Fame pitcher. I mean I can't even put it into words how much I appreciate you!!!!!! You were my first favorite player, and they say the first one is the sweetest. Cheers to your career!

 Sending you Brotherly (sisterly?) Love from...well not really the City of Brotherly Love but close enough.

                                                                                                      ~ Teenaged Baseball Chick <3