Friday, January 25, 2013


Here's Keith Law of Baseball Today:
"Somebody told Ruben Amaro that the Phillies needed to get 'younger', so he got Michael and Delmon!"

That there is classic Law, and I thought it was funny enough to share!

And if you don't get it, read my previous posts, that should explain it!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Really, Delmon Young...

Excuse me while I go throw up! :P
Really though, Baseball Today has done a fabulous job of tearing both Michael and Delmon Young to shreads. And then the Phillies (host Eric Karabell's and my team) go and sign/trade for not one, but both!!!!!!!!

This is proof that God does indeed have a sense of humor (thought I find this anything but funny)!


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Well, saw that coming...

So long to the "beast" Michael Morse, rest assured that you will be missed!!!!!!!!!! Please consider coming to Philly next year! :P